
Technical drawings, manuals and exploded views for Yamaha
At JMPB Parts you will find more than only parts for classic Yamaha mopeds such as the FS1, RD, DT & TY. We also supply a range of technical drawings, manuals and exploded views. In our opinion, these documents are indispensable in the workshop. They provide a clear overview of the technical side of moped parts. They show how each part is constructed and how it should be mounted. And that can be the big help for any hobbyist!

For classic Yamaha mopeds
We regularly see enthusiastic moped owners who get stuck during a repair or restoration of their classic Yamaha. They don't know which part fits where or how a gearbox or the ignition should be mounted. The technical drawings of JMPB Parts offers a solution. Just take a look at how things are used and mounted and you can continue. That saves time and especially a lot of frustration!

More and more technical information
We continuously improve our services. The range of exploded views will therefore be expanded with more technical information about Yamaha mopeds. Think of workshop manuals and instructions for use. So keep an eye on this page!

Order via our drawings
We have worked out the drawings of some types so that you can immediately order the appropriate parts.
To order with the help of the drawings, see the link below: